Programming Homework
HWP4: Harris Corner Detection
Goal: Learn to implement Harris corner detector
Goal: Learn to implement Harris corner detector
- Practice Harris corner detector by OpenCV
- Understand the effect of parameters of Harris detector
Readings and sample codes
Readings and sample codes
- OpenCV 3.4.x tutorial on harris corner detector
- You have to run this tutorial code with cornerHarris function and get different results by changing values of the three parameters: k, ksize, blockSize.
- (optional) Harris corner detector by Matlab
Web Report
Web Report
- Create a web page with descriptions, explanation and pictures for your programs.
- Requirements of the report page:
- For each program code, you have to write 4 parts: (1) goal of this code, (2) theory and principle of the code, (3) code segment explanation, and (4) result comparison or analysis.
- Use your image to run your programs. Please choose a good image for this homework.
- Change parameters of algorithm's functions to get different result images.
- Compare and discuss the result images, and explain why the change of parameters can produce different results.
Submit your web address by Google Classroom.
- For OpenCV tutorial code
- (10%) You can get extra bonus scores if you can modify the code to run more corner related functions, such as cornerEigenValsAndVecs(), cornerMinEigenVal(), and cornerSubPix().
- For the Matlab code
- (10%) If you can run the code and compare its results with OpenCV's results.
- (10%) If you can explain the code in details.
- (10%) If you can write an OpenCV version of Harris detector according to the Matlab code.