Programming Homework
HWP7: Image Alignment
Goal: Learn how to implement image alignment
Goal: Learn how to implement image alignment
- Align two images by feature matching, find their homography, and warp the transformed image into an aligned image.
Readings and sample codes
Readings and sample codes
Program and test images
Program and test images
- Prepare two images for one object. One image is aligned image, another one is a transformed image that can be scaled, rotated, translated and perspectively transformed.
- To find the homography between the two images, you need to perform keypoint feature matching.
- Use at least two keypoint methods.
- Use at least two feature matching methods.
Web Report
Web Report
- Create a web page with descriptions, explanation and pictures for your programs.
- Requirements of the report page:
- For each program code, you have to write 4 parts: (1) goal of this code, (2) theory and principle of the code, (3) code segment explanation, and (4) result comparison or analysis.
- Use your image to run your programs.
- Compare and discuss the result images, and explain why the change of methods can produce different results.
- Conclude with your best results.
Submit your web address by Google Classroom.